
12-31-13 - Statically Linked DLL

Oodle for Windows is shipped as a DLL.

I have to do this because the multiplicity of incompatible CRT libs on Windows has made shipping libs for Windows an impossible disaster.

(seriously, jesus christ, stop adding features to your products and make it so that we can share C libs. Computers are becoming an increasingly broken disaster of band-aided together non-functioning bits.)

The problem is that clients (reasonably so) hate DLLs. Because DLLs are also an annoying disaster on Windows (having to distribute multiple files, accidentally loading from an unexpected place, and what if you have multiple products that rely on different versions of the same DLL, etc.).

Anyway, it seems to me that the best solution is actually a "statically linked DLL".

The DLL is the only way on Windows to combine code packages without mashing their CRT together, and being able to have some functions publicly linked and others resolved privately. So you want that. But you don't want an extra file dangling around that causes problems, you just want it linked into your EXE.

You can build your DLL as DelayLoad, and do the LoadLibrary for it yourself, so the client still sees it like a normal import lib, but you actually get the DLL from inside the EXE. The goal is to act like a static lib, but avoid all the link conflict problems.

The most straightforward way to do it would be to link the DLL in to your EXE as bytes, and at startup write it out to a temp dir, then LoadLibrary that file.

The better way is to write your own "LoadLibraryFromMem". A quick search finds some leads on that :

Loading Win3264 DLLs manually without LoadLibrary() - CodeProject
Loading a DLL from memory � ~magogpublic
LoadLibrary replacement - Source Codes - rohitab.com - Forums

Crazy or wise?


11-25-13 - Oodle and the real problems in games

When I started work on Oodle, I specifically didn't want to do a compression library. For one thing, I had done a lot of compression and don't like to repeat the same work, I need new topics and things to learning. For another, I doubted that we could sell a compression library; selling compression is notoriously hard, because there's so much good free stuff out there, and even if you do something amazing it will only be 10% better than the free stuff due to the diminishing returns asymptote; customers also don't understand things like space-speed tradeoffs. But most of all I just didn't think that a compression library solved important problems in games. Any time I do work I don't like to go off into esoteric perfectionism that isn't really helping much, I like to actually attack the important problems.

That's why Oodle was originally a paging / packaging / streaming / data management product. I thought that we had some good work on that at Oddworld and it seemed natural to take those concepts and clean them up and sell that to the masses. It also attacks what I consider to be very important problems in games.

Unfortunately it became pretty clear that nobody would buy a paging product. Game companies are convinced that they "already have" that, or that they can roll it themselves easily (in fact they don't have that, and it's not easy). On the other hand we increasingly saw interest in a compression library, so that's the direction we went.

(I don't mean to imply that the clients are entirely at fault for wanting the wrong thing; it's sort of just inherently problematic to sell a paging library, because it's too fundamental to the game engine. It's something you want to write yourself and have full control over. Really the conception of Oodle was problematic from the beginning, because the ideal RAD product is a very narrow API that can be added at the last second and does something that is not too tied to the fundamental operation of the game, and also that game coders don't want to deal with writing themselves)

The two big problems that I wanted to address with Original Oodle was -

1. Ridiculous game level load times.

2. Ridiculous artist process ; long bake times ; no real previews, etc.

These are very different problems - one is the game runtime, one is in the dev build and tools, but they can actually be solved at the same time by the same system.

Oodle was designed to offer per-resource paging; async IO and loading, background decompression. Resources could be grouped into bundles; the same resource might go into several bundles to minimize loads and seeks. Resources could be stored in various levels of "optimization" and the system would try to load the most-optimized. Oodle would store hashes and mod times so that old/incompatible data wouldn't be loaded. By checking times and hashes you can do a minimal incremental rebuild of only the bundles that need to be changed.

The same paging system can be used for hot-loading, you just page out the old version and page in the new one - boom, hot loaded content. The same system can provide fast in-game previews. You just load an existing compiled/optimized level, and then page in a replacement of the individual resource that the artist is working on.

The standard way to use such a system is that you still have a nightly content build that makes the super-optimized bundles of the latest content, but then throughout the day you can make instant changes to any of the content, and the newer versions are automatically loaded instead of the nightly version. It means that you're still loading optimized bakes for 90% of the content (thus load times and such aren't badly affected) but you get the latest all day long. And if the nightly bake ever fails, you don't stop the studio, people just keep working and still see all the latest, it just isn't all fully baked.

These are important problems, and I still get passionate about them (aka enraged) when I see how awful the resource pipeline is at most game companies.

(I kept trying to add features to the paging product to make it something that people would buy; I would talk to devs and say "what does it need to do for you to license it", and everybody would say something different (and even if it had that feature they wouldn't actually license it). That was a bad road to go down; it would have led to huge feature bloat, been impossible to maintain, and made a product that wasn't as lean and focused as it should be; customers don't know what they want, don't listen to them!)

Unfortunately, while compression is very interesting theoretically, make a compressor that's 5% better than an alternative is just not that compelling in terms of the end result that it has.


11-14-13 - Oodle Packet Compression for UDP

Oodle now has compressors for UDP (unordered / stateless) packets. Some previous posts on this topic :

cbloom rants 05-20-13 - Thoughts on Data Compression for MMOs
cbloom rants 08-08-13 - Oodle Static LZP for MMO network compression
cbloom rants 08-19-13 - Sketch of multi-Huffman Encoder

What I'm doing for UDP packet is static model compression. That is, you pre-train some model based on a capture of typical network data. That model is then const and can be just written out to a file for use in your game. At runtime, you read the model from disk, then it is const and shared by all network channels. This is particularly desirable for large scale servers because there is no per-channel overhead, either in channel startup time or memory use.

(ASIDE : Note that there is an alternative for UDP, which is to build up a consistent history between the encoder and decoder by having the decoder send back "acks", and then making sure the encoder uses only ack'ed packets as history, etc. etc. An alternative is to have the encoder mark packets with a description of the history used to encode them, and then when the decoder gets them if it doesn't have the necessary history it drops the packet and requests it be resent or something. I consider these a very bad idea and Oodle won't do them; I'm only looking at UDP compression that uses no transmission history.)

Call for test data! I currently only have a large network capture from one game, which obviously skews my results. If you make a networked game and can provide real-world sample data, please contact me.

Now for a mess of numbers comparing the options.

UDP compression of packets (packet_test.bin)

order-0 static huffman :  371.1 -> 234.5 average
(model takes 4k bytes)

order-0 static multi-huffman (32 huffs) : 371.1 -> 209.1 average
(model takes 128k bytes)

order-2 static arithmetic model : 371.0 -> 171.1 average
(model takes 549444 bytes)

OodleStaticLZP for UDP : 371.0 -> 93.4 average
(model takes 13068456 bytes)

In all cases there is no per-channel memory use. OodleStaticLZP is the recommended solution.

For comparison, the TCP compressors get :

LZB16 models take : 131072 bytes per channel
LZB16 [sw16|ht14] : 371.0 -> 122.6 average

LZNib models take : 1572864 bytes per channel
LZnib [sw19|ht18] : 371.0 -> 90.8 average

LZP models take : 104584 bytes per channel, 12582944 bytes shared
LZP [8|19] : 371.0 -> 76.7 average

zlib uses around 400k per channel
zlib -z3 : 371.0 -> 121.8 average
zlib -z6 : 371.0 -> 111.8 average

For MMO type scenarios (large number of connections, bandwidth is important), LZP is a huge win. It gets great compression with low per-channel memory use. The other compelling use case is LZNib when you are sending large packets (so per-byte speed is important) and have few connections (so per-channel memory use is not important); the advantage of LZNib is that it's quite fast to encode (faster than zlib-3 for example) and gets pretty good compression.

To wrap up, logging the variation of compression under some options.

LZPUDP can use whatever size of static dictionary you want. More dictionary = more compression.

LZPUDP [dic mb | hashtable log2]

LZPUDP [4|18] : 595654217 -> 165589750 = 3.597:1
1605378 packets; 371.0 -> 103.1 average
LZPUDP [8|19] : 595654217 -> 154353229 = 3.859:1
1605378 packets; 371.0 -> 96.1 average
LZPUDP [16|20] : 595654217 -> 139562083 = 4.268:1
1605378 packets; 371.0 -> 86.9 average
LZPUDP [32|21] : 595654217 -> 113670899 = 5.240:1
1605378 packets; 371.0 -> 70.8 average

And MultiHuffman can of course use any number of huffmans.
MultiHuffman [number of huffs | number of random trials]

MultiHuffman [1|8] : 66187074 -> 41830922 = 1.582:1
178376 packets; 371.1 -> 234.5 average, H = 5.056
MultiHuffman [2|8] : 66187074 -> 39869575 = 1.660:1
178376 packets; 371.1 -> 223.5 average, H = 4.819
MultiHuffman [4|8] : 66187074 -> 38570016 = 1.716:1
178376 packets; 371.1 -> 216.2 average, H = 4.662
MultiHuffman [8|8] : 66187074 -> 38190760 = 1.733:1
178376 packets; 371.1 -> 214.1 average, H = 4.616
MultiHuffman [16|8] : 66187074 -> 37617159 = 1.759:1
178376 packets; 371.1 -> 210.9 average, H = 4.547
MultiHuffman [32|8] : 66187074 -> 37293713 = 1.775:1
178376 packets; 371.1 -> 209.1 average, H = 4.508

On the test data that I have, the packets are pretty homogenous, so more huffmans is not a huge win. If you had something like N very different types of packets, you would expect to see big wins as you go up to N and then pretty flat after that.

Public note to self : it would amuse me to try ACB for UDP compression. ACB with dynamic dictionaries is not Pareto because it's just too slow to update that data structure. But with a static precomputed suffix sort, and optionally dynamic per-channel coding state, it might be good. It would be slower & higher memory use than LZP, but more compression.


10-09-13 - Urgh ; Threads and Memory

This is a problem I've been trying to avoid really facing, so I keep hacking around it, but it keeps coming back to bite me every few months.

Threads/Jobs and memory allocation is a nasty problem.

Say you're trying to process some 8 GB file on a 32-bit system. You'd like to fire up a bunch of threads and let them all crank on chunks of the file simultaneously. But how big of a chunk can each thread work on? And how many threads can you run?

The problem is those threads may need to do allocations to do their processing. With free-form allocations you don't necessarily know in advance how much they need to allocate (it might depend on processing options or the data they see or whatever). With a multi-process OS you also don't know in advance how much memory you have available (it may reduce while you're running). So you can't just say "I have the memory to run 4 threads at a time". You don't know. You can run out of memory, and you have to abort the whole process and try again with less threads.

In case it's not obvious, you can't just try running 4 threads, and when one of them runs out of memory you pause that thread and run others, or kill that thread, because the thread may do work and allocations incrementally, like work,alloc,work,alloc,etc. so that by the time an alloc fails, you're alread holding a bunch of other allocs and no other thread may be able to run.

To be really clear, imagine you have 2 MB free and your threads do { alloc 1 MB, work A, alloc 1 MB, work B }. You try to run 2 threads, and they both get up to work A. Now neither thread can continue because you're out of memory.

The real solution is for each Job to pre-declare its resource requirements. Like "I need 80 MB" to run. Then it becomes the responsibility of the Job Manager to do the allocation, so when the Job is started, it is handed the memory and it knows it can run; all allocations within the Job then come from the reserved pool, not from the system.

(there are of course other solutions; for example you could make all your jobs rewindable, so if one fails an allocation it is aborted (and any changes to global state undone), or similarly all your jobs could work in two stages, a "gather" stage where allocs are allowed, but no changes to the global state are allowed, and a "commit" phase where the changes are applied; the job can be aborted during "gather" but must not fail during "commit").

So the Job Manager might try to allocate memory for a job, fail, and run some other jobs that need less memory. eg. if you have jobs that take { 10, 1, 10, 1 } of memories, and you have only 12 memories free, you can't run the two 10's at the same time, but you can run the 1's while a 10 is running.

While you're at it, you may as well put some load-balancing in your Jobs as well. You could have each Job mark up to what extend it needs CPU, GPU, or IO resources (in addition to memory use). Then the Job Manager can try to run jobs that are of different types (eg. don't run two IO-heavy jobs at the same time).

If you want to go even more extreme, you could have Jobs pre-declare the shared system resources that they need locks on, and the Job Manager can try to schedule jobs to avoid lock contention. (the even super extreme version of this is to pre-declare *all* your locks and have the Job Manager take them for you, so that you are gauranteed to get them; at this point you're essentially making Jobs into snippets that you know cannot ever fail and cannot even ever *block*, that is they won't even start unless they can run straight to completion).

I haven't wanted to go down this route because it violates one of my Fundamental Theorems of Jobs, which is that job code should be the same as main-thread code, not some weird meta-language that requires lots of markup and is totally different code from what you would write in the non-threaded case.

Anyway, because I haven't properly addressed this, it means that in low-memory scenarios (eg. any 32-bit platform), the Oodle compressors (at the optimal parse level) can run out of memory if you use too many worker threads, and it's hard to really know that's going to happen in advance (since the exact memory use depends on a bunch of options and is hard to measure). Bleh.

(and obviously what I need to do for Oodle, rather than solving this problem correctly and generally, is just to special case my LZ string matchers and have them allocate their memory before starting the parallel compress, so I know how many threads I can run)


10-03-13 - SetLastError(0)

Public reminder to myself about something I discovered a while ago.

If you want to do IO really robustly in Windows, you can't just assume that your ReadFile / WriteFile will succeed under normal usage. There are lots of nasty cases where you need to retry (perhaps with smaller IO sizes, or just after waiting a bit).

In particular you can see these errors in normal runs :

ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY = too many AsyncIO 's pending

ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA  = single IO call too large
    not enough process space pages available
    -> SetProcessWorkingSetSize

    failure to alloc pages in the kernel address space for the IO
    try again with smaller IOs  

    normal async IO return value

    sometimes normal EOF return value

anyway, this post is not about the specifics of IO errors. (random aside : I believe that some of these annoying errors were much more common in 32-bit windows; the failure to get address space to map IO pages was a bigger problem in 32-bit (I saw it most often when running with the /3GB option which makes the kernel page space a scarce commodity), I don't think I've seen it in the field in 64-bit windows)

I discovered a while ago that ReadFile and WriteFile can fail (return false) but not set last error to anything. That is, you have something like :

SetLastError(77); // something bogus

if ( ! ReadFile(....) )
    // failure, get code :
    DWORD new_error = GetLastError();

    // new_error should be the error info about ReadFile failing
    // but sometimes it's still 77

and *sometimes* new_error is still 77 (or whatever; that is, it wasn't actually set when ReadFile failed).

I have no idea exactly what situations make the error get set or not. I have no idea how many other Win32 APIs are affected by this flaw, I only have empirical proof of ReadFile and WriteFile.

Anyhoo, the conclusion is that best practice on Win32 is to call SetLastError(0) before invoking any API where you need to know for sure that the error code you get was in fact set by that call. eg.

if ( ! SomeWin32API(...) )
    DWORD hey_I_know_this_error_is_legit = GetLastError();


That is, Win32 APIs returning failure does *not* guarantee that they set LastError.

ADD : while I'm at it :

in the VC watch window is pretty sweet.

GetLastError is :

*(DWORD *)($tib+0x34)

or *(DWORD *)(FS:[0x34]) on x86


09-18-13 - Per-Thread Global State Overrides

I wrote about this before ( cbloom rants 11-23-12 - Global State Considered Harmful ) but I'm doing it again because I think almost nobody does it right, so I'm gonna be really pedantic.

For concreteness, let's talk about a Log system that is controlled by bit-flags. So you have a "state" variable that is an or of bit flags. The flags are things like where do you output to (LOG_TO_FILE, LOG_TO_OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING, etc.) and maybe things like subsection enablements (LOG_SYSTEM_IO, LOG_SYSTEM_RENDERER, ...) or verbosity (LOG_V0, LOG_V1, ...). Maybe some bits of the state are an indent level. etc.

So clearly you have a global state where the user/programmer have set the options they want for the log.

But you also need a TLS state. You want to be able to do things like disable the log in scopes :


U32 oldState = Log_SetState(0);




(and in practice it's nice to use a scoper-class to do that for you). If you do that on the global variable, your thread is fucking up the state of other threads, so clearly it needs to be per-thread, eg. in the TLS. (similarly, you might want to inc the indent level for a scope, or change the verbosity level, etc.).

(note of course this is the "system has a stack of states which is implemented in the program stack").

So clearly, those need to be Log_SetLocalState. Then the functions that are used to set the overall options should be something like Log_SetGlobalState.

Now some notes on how the implementation works.

The global state has to be thread safe. It should just be an atomic var :

static U32 s_log_global_state;

U32 Log_SetGlobalState( U32 state )
    // set the new state and return the old; this must be an exchange

    U32 ret = Atomic_Exchange(&s_log_global_state, state , mo_acq_rel);

    return ret;

U32 Log_GetGlobalState( )
    // probably could be relaxed but WTF let's just acquire

    U32 ret = Atomic_Load(&s_log_global_state, mo_acquire);

    return ret;

(note that I sort of implicitly assume that there's only one thread (a "main" thread) that is setting the global state; generally it's set by command line or .ini options, and maybe from user keys in a HUD; the global state is not being fiddled by lots of threads at program time, because that creates races. eg. if you wanted to do something like turn on the LOG_TO_FILE bit, it should be done with a CAS loop or an Atomic OR, not by doing a _Get and then _Set).

Now the Local functions need to set the state in the TLS and *also* which bits are set in the local state. So the actual function is like :

per_thread U32_pair tls_log_local_state;

U32_pair Log_SetLocalState( U32 state , U32 state_set_mask )
    // read TLS :

    U32_pair ret = tls_log_local_state;

    // write TLS :

    tls_log_local_state = U32_pair( state, state_set_mask );

    return ret;

U32_pair Log_GetLocalState( )
    // read TLS :

    U32_pair ret = tls_log_local_state;

    return ret;

Note obviously no atomics or mutexes are need in per-thread functions.

So now we can get the effective combined state :

U32 Log_GetState( )
    U32_pair local = Log_GetLocalState();
    U32 global = Log_GetGlobalState();

    // take local state bits where they are set, else global state bits :

    U32 state = (local.first & local.second) | (global & (~local.second) );

    return state;

So internally to the log's operation you start every function with something like :
static bool NoState( U32 state )
    // if all outputs or all systems are turned off, no output is possible
    return ((state & LOG_TO_MASK) == 0) ||
        ((state & LOG_SYSTEM_MASK) == 0);

void Log_Printf( const char * fmt, ... )
    U32 state = Log_GetState();

    if ( NoState(state) )

    ... more here ...


So note that up to the "... more here ..." we have not taken any mutexes or in any way synchronized the threads against each other. So when the log is disabled we just exit there before doing anything painful.

Now the point of this post is not about a log system. It's that you have to do this any time you have global state that can be changed by code (and you want that change to only affect the current thread).

In the more general case you don't just have bit flags, you have arbitrary variables that you want to be per-thread and global. Here's a helper struct to do a global atomic with thread-overridable value :

struct tls_intptr_t
    int m_index;
        m_index = TlsAlloc();
        ASSERT( get() == 0 );
    intptr_t get() const { return (intptr_t) TlsGetValue(m_index); }

    void set(intptr_t v) { TlsSetValue(m_index,(LPVOID)v); }

struct intptr_t_and_set
    intptr_t val;
    intptr_t set; // bool ; is "val" set
    intptr_t_and_set(intptr_t v,intptr_t s) : val(v), set(s) { }
struct overridable_intptr_t
    atomic<intptr_t>    m_global;
    tls_intptr_t    m_local;    
    tls_intptr_t    m_localset;
    overridable_intptr_t(intptr_t val = 0) : m_global(val)
        ASSERT( m_localset.get() == 0 );
    intptr_t set_global(intptr_t val)
        return m_global.exchange(val,mo_acq_rel);
    intptr_t get_global() const
        return m_global.load(mo_acquire);
    intptr_t_and_set get_local() const
        return intptr_t_and_set( m_local.get(), m_localset.get() );
    intptr_t_and_set set_local(intptr_t val, intptr_t set = 1)
        intptr_t_and_set old = get_local();
        if ( set )
        return old;
    intptr_t_and_set set_local(intptr_t_and_set val_and_set)
        intptr_t_and_set old = get_local();
        if ( val_and_set.set )
        return old;
    intptr_t_and_set clear_local()
        intptr_t_and_set old = get_local();
        return old;
    intptr_t get_combined() const
        intptr_t_and_set local = get_local();
        if ( local.set )
            return local.val;
            return get_global();


// test code :  

static overridable_intptr_t s_thingy;

int main(int argc,char * argv[])
    argc; argv;
    ASSERT( s_thingy.get_combined() == 1 );
    intptr_t_and_set prev = s_thingy.set_local(3,1);
    ASSERT( s_thingy.get_combined() == 3 );

    ASSERT( s_thingy.get_combined() == 3 );
    ASSERT( s_thingy.get_combined() == 2 );
    return 0;

Or something.

Of course this whole post is implicitly assuming that you are using the "several threads that stay alive for the length of the app" model. An alternative is to use micro-threads that you spin up and down, and rather than inheriting from a global state, you would want them to inherit from the spawning thread's current combined state.

09-18-13 - Fast TLS on Windows

For the record; don't use this blah blah unsafe unnecessary blah blah.

extern "C" DWORD __cdecl FastTlsGetValue_x86(int index)
    mov     eax,dword ptr fs:[00000018h]
    mov     ecx,index

    cmp     ecx,40h // 40h = 64
    jae     over64  // Jump if above or equal 

    // return Teb->TlsSlots[ dwTlsIndex ]
    // +0xe10 TlsSlots         : [64] Ptr32 Void
    mov     eax,dword ptr [eax+ecx*4+0E10h]
    jmp     done

    mov     eax,dword ptr [eax+0F94h]
    mov     eax,dword ptr [eax+ecx*4-100h]


DWORD64 FastTlsGetValue_x64(int index)
    if ( index < 64 )
        return __readgsqword( 0x1480 + index*8 );
        DWORD64 * table = (DWORD64 *)  __readgsqword( 0x1780 );
        return table[ index - 64 ];

the ASM one is from nynaeve originally. ( 1 2 ). I'd rather rewrite it in C using __readfsdword but haven't bothered.

Note that these may cause a bogus failure in MS App Verifier.

Also, as noted many times in the past, you should just use the compiler __declspec thread under Windows when that's possible for you. (eg. you're not in a DLL pre-Vista).


08-28-13 - How to Crunch

Baby is like the worst crunch ever. Anyway it's got me thinking about things I've learned about how to cope with crunch.

1. There is no end date. Never push yourself at an unsustainable level, assuming it's going to be over soon. Oh, the milestone is in two weeks, I'll just go really hard and then recover after. No no no, the end date is always moving, there's always another crunch looming, never rely on that. The proper way to crunch is to find a way to lift your output to the maximum level that you can hold for an indeterminate amount of time. Never listen to anyone telling you "it will be over on day X, let's just go all-out for that", just smile and nod and quietly know that you will have the energy to keep going if necessary.

2. Don't stop taking care of yourself. Whatever you need to do to feel okay, you need to keep doing. Don't cut it because of crunch. It really doesn't take that much time, you do have 1-2 hours to spare. I think a lot of people impose a kind of martyrdom on themselves as part of the crunch. It's not just "let's work a lot" it's "let's feel really bad". If you need to go to the gym, have a swim, have sex, do yoga, whatever it is, keep doing it. Your producers and coworkers who are all fucking stupid assholes will give you shit about it with passive aggressive digs; "ooh I'm glad our crunch hasn't cut into your workout time, none of the rest of us are doing that". Don't let them peer pressure you into being stupid.

3. Resist the peer pressure. Just decided this is worth it's own point. There's a lot of negative peer pressure in crunches. Because others are suffering, you have to also. Because others are putting in stupid long hours at very low productivity, you have to also. A classic stupid one is the next point -

4. Go home. One of the stupidest ideas that teams get in crunches is "if someone on the team is working, we should all stay for moral support". Don't be an idiot. You're going to burn out your whole team because one person was browsing the internet a month ago when they should have been working and is therefore way behind schedule? No. Everyone else GO HOME. If you aren't on the critical path, go sleep, you might be critical tomorrow. Yes the moral support is nice, and in rare cases I do advocate it (perhaps for the final push of the game if the people on the critical path are really hitting the wall), but almost never. Unfortunately as a lead you do often need to stick around if anyone on your team is there, that's the curse of the lead.

5. Sleep. As crunch goes on, lack of sleep will become a critical issue. You've got to anticipate this and start actively working on it from the beginning. That doesn't just mean making the time to lie in bed, it means preparing and thinking about how you're going to ensure you are able to get the sleep you need. Make rules for yourself and then be really diligent about it. For me a major issue is always that the stress of crunch leads to insomnia and the inability to fall asleep. For me the important rules are things like - always stop working by 10 PM in order to sleep by 12 (that means no computer at all, no emails, no nothing), no coffee after 4 PM, get some exercise in the afternoon, take a hot shower or bath at night, no watching TV in bed, etc. Really be strict about it; your sleep rules are part of your todo list, they are tasks that have to be done every day and are not something to be cut. I have occasionally fallen into the habit of using alcohol to help me fall asleep in these insomnia periods; that's a very bad idea, don't do that.

6. Be smart about what you cut out of your life. In order to make time for the work crunch you will have to sacrifice other things you do with your life. But it's easy to cut the wrong things. I already noted don't cut self care. (also don't cut showering and teeth brushing, for the love of god, you still have time for those). Do cut non-productive computer and other electronics time. Do cut anything that's similar to work but not work, anything where you are sitting inside, thinking hard, on a computer, not exercising. Do cut "todos" that are not work or urgent; stuff like house maintenace or balancing your checkbook, all that kind of stuff you just keep piling up until crunch is over. Do cut ways that you waste time that aren't really rewarding in any way (TV, shopping, whatever). Try not to cut really rewarding pleasure time, like hanging out with friends or lovers, you need to keep doing that a little bit (for me that is almost impossible in practice because I get so stressed I can't stop thinking about working for a minute, but in theory it sounds like a good idea).

7. Be healthy. A lot of people in crunch fall into the trap of loading up on sugar and caffeine, stopping exercising, generally eating badly. This might work for a few days or even weeks, but as we noted before crunch is always indeterminate, and this will fuck you badly long term. In fact crunch is the most critical time to be careful with your body. You need it to be healthy so you can push hard, in fact you should be *more* careful about healthy living than you were before crunch. It's a great time to cut out all sugary snacks, fast food, and alcohol.


08-22-13 - Sketch of Suffix Trie for Last Occurance

I don't usually like to write about algorithms that I haven't actually implemented yet, but it seems in my old age that I will not actually get around to doing lots of things that I think about, so here goes one.

I use a Suffix Trie for string matching for my LZ compressors when optimal parsing.

reminder: Suffix Tries are really the super-awesome solution, but only for the case that you are optimal parsing not greedy parsing, so you are visiting every byte, and for large windows (sliding window Suffix Tries are not awesome). see : LZ String Matcher Decision Tree (w/ links to Suffix Trie posts)

Something has always bothered me about it. Almost the entire algorithm is this sweet gem of computer science perfection with no hackiness and a perfect O(N) running time. But there's one problem.

A Suffix Trie really just gives you the longest matching substring in the window. It's not really about the *location* of that substring. In particular, the standard construction using pointers to the string that was inserted will give you the *first* occurance of each substring. For LZ compression what you want is the *last* occurance of each substring.

(I'm assuming throughout that you use path compression and your nodes have pointers into the original window. This means that each step along the original window adds one node, and that node has the pointer to the insertion location.)

In order to get the right answer, whenever you do a suffix query and find the deepest node that you match, you should then visit all children and see if any of them have a more recent pointer. Say you're at depth D, all children at depth > D are also substring matches of the same first D bytes, so those pointers are equally valid string matches, and for LZ you want the latest one.

An equivalent alternative is instead of searching all children on query, you update all parents on insertion. Any time you insert a new node, go back to all your parents and change their pointers to your current pointer, because your pointer must match them all up to their depth, and it's a larger value.

Of course this ruins the speed of the suffix trie so you can't do that.

In Oodle I use limitted parent updates to address this issue. Every time I do a query/insert (they always go together in an optimal parse, and the insert is always directly under the deepest match found), I take the current pointer and update N steps up the parent links. I tested various values of N against doing full updates and found that N=32 gave me indistinguishable compression ratios and very little speed hit.

(any fixed value of N preserves the O(N) of the suffix trie, it's just a constant multiplier). (you need to walk up to parents anyway if you want to find shorter matches at lower offsets; the normal suffix lookup just gives you the single longest match).

So anyway, that heuristic seems to work okay, but it just bothers me because everything else about the Suffix Trie is so pure with no tweak constants in it, and then there's this one hack. So, can we solve this problem exactly?

I believe so, but I don't quite see the details yet. The idea goes like this :

I want to use the "push pointer up to parents method". But I don't actually want to update all parents for each insertion. The key to being fast is that many of the nodes of the suffix trie will never be touched again, so we want to kind of virtually mark those nodes as dirty, and they can update themselves if they are ever visited, but we don't do any work if they aren't visited. (BTW by "fast" here I mean the entire parse should still be O(N) or O(NlogN) but not fall to O(N^2) which is what you get if you do full updates).

In particular in the degenerate match cases, you spend all your time way out at the leaves of the suffix trie chasing the "follows" pointer, you never go back to the root, and many of the updates overwrite each other in a trivial way. That is, you might do substring "xxaaaa" at "ptr", and then "xxaaaaa" at "ptr+1" ; the update of "ptr" back up the tree will be entirely overwrittten by the update from "ptr+1" (since it also serves as an "xxaa" match and is later), so if you just delay the update it doesn't need to be done at all.

(in the end this whole problem boils down to a very simple tree question : how do you mark a walk from a leaf back to the root with some value, such that any query along that walk will get the value, but without actually doing O(depth) work if those nodes are not touched? Though it's not really that question in general, because in order to be fast you need to use the special properties of the Suffix Trie traversal.)

My idea is to use "sentries". (this is a bit like skip-lists or something). In addition to the "parent" pointer, each node has a pointer to the preceding "sentry". Sentry steps take you >= 1 step toward root, and the step distance increases. So stepping up the sentry links might take you 1,1,2,4,.. steps towards root. eg. you reach root in log(depth) steps.

When you insert a new node, instead of walking all parents and changing them to your pointer, you walk all sentries and store your pointer as a pending update.

When you query a node, you walk to all sentries and see if any of them has a lower pointer. This effectively finds if any of your children did an update that you need to know about.

The pointer that you place in the sentry is really a "pending update" marker. It means that update needs to be applied from that node up the tree to the next sentry (ADD: I think you also need to store the range that it applies to, since a large-step range can get broken down to smaller ranges by updates). You know what branch of the tree it applies to because the pointer is the string and the string tells you what branch of the tree to follow.

The tricky bit happens when you set the pointer in the sentry node, there may be another pointer there from a previous insertion that is still pending update. You need to apply the previous pending update before you store your new pointer in the pending update slot.

Say a node contains a pending update with the pointer "a", and you come in and want to mark it with "b". You need to push the "a" update into the range that it applies to, so that you can set that node to be pending with a "b".

The key to speed is that you only need to push the "a" update where it diverges from "b". For example if the substring of "a" and "b" is the same up to a deeper sentry that contains "b" then you can just throw away the "a" pending update, the "b" update completely replaces it for that range.

Saying it all again :

You have one pointer update "a" that goes down a branch of the tree. You don't want to actually touch all those nodes, so you store it as applying to the whole range. You do a later pointer update "b" that goes down a branch that partially overlaps with the "a" branch. The part that is "a" only you want to leave as a whole range marking, and you do a range-marking for "b". You have to find the intersection of the two branches, and then the area where they overlap is again range-marked with "b" because it's newer and replaces "a". The key to speed is that you're marking big ranges of nodes, not individual nodes. My proposal for marking the ranges quickly is to use power-of-2 sentries, to mark a range of length 21 you would mark spans of length 16+4+1 kind of a thing.

Maybe some drawings are clearer. Here we insert pointer "a", and then later do a query with pointer "b" that shares some prefix with "a", and then insert "b".

The "b" update to the first sentry has to push the "a" update that was there up until the substrings diverge. The update back to the root sees that "a" and "b" are the same substring for that entire span and so simply replaces the pending update of "a" with a pending update of "b".

Let's see, finishing up.

One thing that is maybe not clear is that within the larger sentry steps the smaller steps are also there. That is, if you're at a deep leaf you walk back to the root with steps that go 1,1,2,4,8,16,32. But in that last big 32 step, that doesn't mean that's one region of 32 nodes with no other sentries. Within there are still 1,2,4 type steps. If you have to disambiguate an update within that range, it doesn't mean you have to push up all 32 nodes one by one. You look and see hey I have a divergence in this 32-long gap, so can I just step up 16 with "a" and "b" being the same? etc.

I have no idea what the actual O() of this scheme is. It feels like O(NlogN) but I certainly don't claim that it is without doing the analysis.

I haven't actually implemented this so there may be some major error in it, or it might be no speed win at all vs. always doing full updates.

Maybe there's a better way to mark tree branches lazily? Some kind of hashing of the node id? Probabilistic methods?


08-19-13 - Sketch of multi-Huffman Encoder

Simple way to do small-packet network packet compression.

Train N different huffman code sets. Encoder and decoder must have a copy of the static N code sets.

For each packet, take a histogram. Use the histogram to measure the transmitted length with each code set, and choose the smallest. Transmit the selection and then the encoding under that selection.

All the effort is in the offline training. Sketch of training :

Given a large number of training packets, do this :

for - many trials - 

select 1000 or so seed packets at random
(you want a number 4X N or so)

each of the seeds is a current hypothesis of a huffman code set
each seed has a current total histogram and codelens

for each packet in the training set -
add it to one of the seeds
the one which has the most similar histogram
one way to measure that is by counting the huffman code length

after all packets have been accumulated onto all the seeds,
start merging seeds

each seed has a cost to transmit; the size of the huffman tree
plus the data in the seed, huffman coded

merge seeds with the lowest cost to merge
(it can be negative when merging makes the total cost go down)

keep merging the best pairs until you are down to N seeds

once you have the N seeds, reclassify all the packets by lowest-cost-to-code
and rebuild the histograms for the N trees using only the new classification

those are your N huffman trees

measure the score of this trial by encoding some other training data with those N trees.

It's just k-means with random seeds and bottom-up cluster merging. Very heuristic and non-optimal but provides a starting point anyway.

The compression ratio will not be great on most data. The advantage of this scheme is that there is zero memory use per channel. The huffman trees are const and shared by all channels. For N reasonable (4-16 would be my suggestion) the total shared memory use is quite small as well (less than 64k or so).

Obviously there are many possible ways to get more compresion at the cost of more complexity and more memory use. For packets that have dword-aligned data, you might do a huffman per mod-4 byte position. For text-like stationary sources you can do order-1 huffman (that is, 256 static huffman trees, select by the previous byte), but this takes rather more const shared memory. Of course you can do multi-symbol huffman, and there are lots of ways to do that. If your data tends to be runny, an RLE transform would help. etc. I don't think any of those are worth pursuing in general, if you want more compression then just use a totally different scheme.

Oh yeah this also reminds me of something -

Any static huffman encoder in the vernacular style (eg. does periodic retransmission of the table, more or less optimized in the encoder (like Zip)) can be improved by keeping the last N huffman tables. That is, rather than just throwing away the history when you send a new one, keep them. Then when you do retransmission of a new table, you can just send "select table 3" or "send new table as delta from table 5".

This lets you use locally specialized tables far more often, because the cost to send a table is drastically reduced. That is, in the standard vernacular style it costs something like 150 bytes to send the new table. That means you can only get a win from sending new tables every 4k or 16k or whatever, not too often because there's big overhead. But there might be little chunks of very different data within those ranges.

For example you might have one Huffman table that only has {00,FF,7F,80} as literals (or whatever, specific to your data). Any time you encounter a run where those are the only characters, you send a "select table X" for that range, then when that range is over you go back to using the previous table for the wider range.


08-12-13 - Cuckoo Cache Tables - Failure Report

This is a report on a dead end, which I wish people would do more often.

Ever since I read about Cuckoo Hashing I thought, hmm even if it's not the win for hash tables, maybe it's a win for "cache tables" ?

(A cache table is like a hash table, but it never changes size, and inserts might overwrite previous entries (or not insert the new entry, though that's unusual). There may be only a single probe or multiple).

Let me introduce it as a progression :

1. Single hash cache table with no hash check :

This is the simplest. You hash a key and just look it up in a table to get the data. There is no check to ensure that you get the right data for your key - if you have collisions you may just get the wrong data back from lookup, and you will just stomp other people's data when you write.

Data table[HASH_SIZE];

lookup :

hash = hash_func(key);
Data & found = table[hash];

insert :

table[hash] = data;

This variant was used in LZP1 ; it's a good choice in very memory-limited situations where collisions are either unlikely or not that big a deal (eg. in data compression, a collision just means you code from the wrong statistics, it doesn't break your algorithm).

2. Single hash cache table with check :

We add some kind of hash-check value to our hash table to try to ensure that the entry we get actually was from our key :

Data table[HASH_SIZE];
int table_check[HASH_SIZE]; // obviously not actually a separate array in practice

lookup :

hash = hash_func(key);
check = alt_hash_func(key);
if ( table_check[hash] == check )
  Data & found = table[hash];

insert :

table_check[hash] = check;
table[hash] = data;

In practice, hash_func and alt_hash_func are usually actually the same hash function, and you just grab different bit ranges from it. eg. you might do a 64-bit hash func and grab the top and bottom 32 bits.

In data compression, the check hash value can be quite small (8 bits is common), because as noted above collisions are not catastrophic, so just reducing the probability of an undetected collision to 1/256 is good enough.

3. Double hash cache table with check :

Of course since you are now making two hashes, you could look up two spots in your table. We're basically running the primary hash and alt_hash above, but instead of unconditionally using only one of them as the lookup hash and one as the check, we can use either one.

Data table[HASH_SIZE];
int table_check[HASH_SIZE]; // obviously not actually a separate array in practice

lookup :

hash1 = hash_func(key);
hash2 = alt_hash_func(key);
if ( table_check[hash1] == hash2 )
  Data & found = table[hash1];
else if ( table_check[hash2] == hash1 )
  Data & found = table[hash2];

insert :

if ( quality(table[hash1]) <= quality(table[hash2]) )
    table_check[hash1] = hash2;
    table[hash1] = data;
    table_check[hash2] = hash1;
    table[hash2] = data;

Where we now need some kind of quality function to decide which of our two possible insertion locations to use. The simplest form of "quality" just checks if one of the slots is unused. More complex would be some kind of recency measure, or whatever is appropriate for your data. Without any quality rating you could still just use a random bool there or a round-robin, and you essentially have a hash with two ways, but where the ways are overlapping in a single table.

Note that here I'm showing the check as using the same number of bits as the primary hash, but it's not required for this type of usage, it could be fewer bits.

(also note that it's probably better just to use hash1 and hash1+1 as your two hash check locations, since it's so much better for speed, but we'll use hash1 and hash2 here as it leads more directly to the next -)

4. Double hash cache table with Cuckoo :

Once you get to #3 the possibility of running a Cuckoo is obvious.

That is, every entry has two possible hash table indices. You can move an entry to its alternate index and it will still be found. So when you go to insert a new entry, instead of overwriting, you can push what's already there to its alternate location. Lookup is as above, but insert is something like :

insert :

table_check[hash1] = hash2;
table[hash1] = data;

// I want to write at hash1; kick out whatever is there

if ( table[hash1] is empty ) return;

// move my entry from hash1 to hash2
hash2 = table_check[hash1];

table[hash2] = table[hash1];
table_check[hash2] = hash1;


Now of course that's not quite right because this is a cache table, not a hash table. As written above you have a gauranteed infinite loop because cache tables are usually run with more unique insertions than slots, so PushCuckoo will keep trying to push things and never find an empty slot.

For cache tables you just want to do a small limited number of pushes (maybe 4?). Hopefully you find an empty slot to in that search, and if not you lose the entry that had the lowest "quality" in the sequence of steps you did. That is, remember the slot with lowest quality, and do all the cuckoo-pushes that precede that entry in the walk.

For example, if you have a sequence like :

I want to fill index A

hash2[A] = B
hash2[B] = C
hash2[C] = D
hash2[D] = E

none are empty

entry C has the lowest quality of A-E

Then push :

B -> C
A -> B
insert at A

That is,

table[C] = table[B]
hash2[C] = B
table[B] = table[A]
hash2[B] = A
table[A],hash2[A] = new entry

The idea is that if you have some very "high quality" entries in your cache table, they won't be destroyed by bad luck (some unimportant event which happens to have the same hash value and thus overwrites your high quality entry).

So, I have tried this and in my experiments it's not a win.

To test it I wrote a simple symbol-rank compressor. My SR is order-5-4-3-2-1 with only 4 symbols ranked in each context. (I chose an SR just because I've been working on SR for RAD recently; otherwise there's not much reason to pursue SR, it's generally not Pareto). Contexts are hashed and looked up in a cache table. I compressed enwik8. I tweaked the compressor just enough so that it's vaguely competitive with state of the art (for example, I use a very simple secondary statistics table for coding the SR rank), because otherwise it's not a legitimate test.

For Cuckoo Caching, the hash check value must be the same size as the hash table index, so that's what I've done for most fo the testing. (in all the other variants you are allowed to set the size of the check value freely). I also tested 8-bit check value for the single lookup case.

I'm interested in low memory use and really stressing the cache table, so most of the testing was at 18-bits of hash table index. Even at 20 bits the difference between Cuckoo and no-Cuckoo disappears.

The results :

18 bit hash :

Single hash ; no confirmation :
Compress : 100000000 -> 29409370 : 2.353

Single hash ; 8 bit confirmation :
Compress : 100000000 -> 25169283 : 2.014

Single hash ; hash_bits size confirmation :
Compress : 100000000 -> 25146207 : 2.012

Dual Hash ; hash_bits size confirmation :
Compress : 100000000 -> 24933453 : 1.995

Cuckoo : (max of 10 pushes)
Compress : 100000000 -> 24881931 : 1.991

Conclusion : Cuckoo Caching is not compelling for data compression. Having some confirmation hash is critical, but even 8 bits is plenty. Dual hashing is a good win over single hashing (and surprisingly there's very little speed penalty (with small cache table tables, anyway, where you are less likely to pay bad cache miss penalties)).

For the record :

variation of compression with hash table size :

two hashes, no cuckoo :

24 bit o5 hash : (24,22,20,16,8)
Compress : 100000000 -> 24532038 : 1.963
20 bit o5 hash : (20,19,18,16,8)
Compress : 100000000 -> 24622742 : 1.970
18 bit o5 hash : (18,17,17,16,8)
Compress : 100000000 -> 24933453 : 1.995

Also, unpublished result : noncuckoo-dual-hashing is almost as good with the 2nd hash kept within cache page range of the 1st hash. That is, the good thing to do is lookup at [hash1] and [hash1 + 1 + (hash2&0xF)] , or some other form of semi-random nearby probe (as opposed to doing [hash1] and [hash2] which can be quite far apart). Just doing [hash1] and [hash1+1] is not as good.


08-08-13 - Oodle Static LZP for MMO network compression

Followup to my post 05-20-13 - Thoughts on Data Compression for MMOs :

So I've tried a few things, and Oodle is now shipping with a static dictionary LZP compressor.

OodleStaticLZP uses a static dictionary and hash table which is const and shared by all network channels. The size is set by the user. There is an adaptive per-channel arithmetic coder so that the match length and literal statistics can adapt to the channel a bit (this was a big win vs. using any kind of static models).

What I found from working with MMO developers is that per-channel memory use is one of the most important issues. They want to run lots of connections on the same server, which means the limit for per-channel memory use is something like 512k. Even a zlib encoder at 400k is considered rather large. OodleStaticLZP has 182k of per-channel state.

On the server, a large static dictionary is no problem. They're running 16GB servers with 10,000 connections, they really don't care if the static dictionary is 64MB. However, that same static dictionary also has to be on the client, so the limit on how big a static dictionary you can use really comes from the client side. I suspect that something in the 8MB - 16MB range is reasonable. (and of course you can compress the static dictionary; it's only something like 2-4 MB that you have to distribute and load).

(BTW you don't necessarily need an adaptive compression state for every open channel. If some channels tend to go idle, you could drop their state. When the channel starts up again, grab a fresh state (and send a reset message to the client so it wipes its adaptive state). You could do something like have a few thousand compression states which you cycle in an LRU for an unbounded number of open channels. Of course the problem with that is if you actually get a higher number of simultaneous active connections you would be recycling states all the time, which is just the standard cache over-commit problem that causes nasty thrashing, so YMMV etc.)

This is all only for downstream traffic (server->client). The amount of upstream traffic is much less, and the packets are tiny, so it's not worth the memory cost of keeping any memory state per channel for the upstream traffic. For upstream traffic, I suggest using a static huffman encoder with a few different static huffman models; first send a byte selecting the huffman table (or uncompressed) and then the packet huffman coded.

I also tried a static dictionary / adaptive statistics LZA (LZA = LZ77+arith) (and a few other options, like a static O3 context coder and some static fixed-length string matchers, and static longer-word huffman coders, but all those were much worse than static LZA or LZP). The static dictionary LZA was much worse than the LZP.

I could conjecture that the LZP does better on static dictionaries than LZA because LZP works better when the dictionary mismatches the data. The reason being that LZP doesn't even try to code a match unless it finds a context, so it's not wasting code space for matches when they aren't useful. LZ77 is always trying to code matches, and will often find 3-byte matches just by coincidence, but the offsets will be large so they're barely a win vs literals.

But I don't think that's it. I believe the problem with static LZA is simply for an offset-coded LZ (as I was using), it's crucial to put the most useful data at low offset. That requires a very cleverly made static dictionary. You can't just put the most common short substrings at the end - you have to also be smart about how those substrings run together to make the concatenation of them also useful. That would be very interesting hard algorithm to work on, but without that work I find that static LZA is just not very good.

There are obvious alternatives to optimizing the LZA dictionary; for example you could take the static dictionary and build a suffix trie. Then instead of sending offsets into the window, forget about the original linear window and just send substring references in the suffix trie directly, ala the ancient Fiala & Green. This removes the ugly need to optimize the ordering of the linear window. But that's a big complex bowl of worms that I don't really want to go into.

Some results on some real packet data from a game developer :

downstream packets only
1605378 packets taking 595654217 bytes total
371.0 bytes per packet average

O0 static huff : 371.0 -> 233.5 average

zlib with Z_SYNC_FLUSH per packet (32k window)
zlib -z3 : 371.0 -> 121.8 average
zlib -z6 : 371.0 -> 111.8 average

OodleLZH has a 128k window
OodleLZH Fast :
371.0 -> 91.2 average

OodleLZNib Fast lznib_sw_bits=19 , lznib_ht_bits=19 : (= 512k window)
371.0 -> 90.6 average

OodleStaticLZP [mb of static dic|bits of hash]

LZP [ 4|18] : 371.0 -> 82.8 average
LZP [ 8|19] : 371.0 -> 77.6 average
LZP [16|20] : 371.0 -> 69.8 average
LZP [32|21] : 371.0 -> 59.6 average

Note of course that LZP would also benefit from dictionary optimization. Later occurances of a context replace earlier ones, so more useful strings should be later in the window. Also just getting the most useful data into the window will help compression. These results are without much effort to optimize the LZP dictionary. Clients can of course use domain-specific knowledge to help make a good dictionary.

TODOS : 1. optimization of LZP static dictionary selection. 2. mixed static-dynamic LZP with a small (32k?) per-channel sliding window.


06-18-13 - How to Work

Reminder to myself, because I've gotten out of the habit. In the months before baby I had developed a pretty good work pattern and I want it back.

There is only full-on hard work, and away-from-computer restorative time. Nothing in between.

1. When working, disable internet. No browsing around. If you have a long test run or something, usually it's not actually blocking and you can work on something else while it goes, but if it is blocking then just walk away from the computer, get your hands off the machine, do some stretching.

2. No "easing into it". This is a self-indulgence that I can easily fall into, letting myself start slowly in the morning, and before I know it it's close to noon. When you start you just fucking start.

3. If you're tired and can't keep good posture when working, stop working. Go sleep. Work again when you're fresh.

4. Whenever you aren't working, don't do anything that's similar to work. No computer time. Fuck computers, there's nothing good to see on there anyway. Just walk away. Avoid any activity that has your hands in front of your body. Try to spend time with your arms overhead and/or your hands behind your back.

5. When you feel like you need to work but can't really focus, don't substitute shitty work like paying bills or online shopping or fiddling around cleaning up code pointlessly, or whatever that makes you feel like you're doing something productive. You're not. Either fucking get over it and work anyway, or if you really can't then walk away.

6. Be defensive of your good productive time. For me it's first thing in the morning. Lots of forces will try to take this away from you; you need to hold baby, you need to commute to go to the office. No no no, this is the good work time, go work.

7. Never ever work at a laptop. Go to your workstation. If you feel your ergonomics are bad, do not spend one second working in the bad position. Fix it and then continue.

8. Set goals for the day; like "I'm going to get X done" not just "I'm going to work on X for a while" which can easily laze into just poking at X without making much progress.

9. When you decide to stop working for the day, be *done*. No more touching the computer. Don't extend your work hours into your evening with pointless trickles of super-low-productivity work. This is easier if you don't use any portable computing device, so just step away from the computer and that's it.

10. Avoid emotional disturbances. Something like checking email in the morning should be benign, but if there's a 10% chance of it makes you pissed off, that's a big negative because it lingers as a distraction for a while. I've basically stopped reading any news, and I think it's a big life +EV and certainly productivity +EV.


05-20-13 - Thoughts on Data Compression for MMOs

I've been thinking about this a bit and thought I'd scribble some ideas publicly. (MMO = not necessarily just MMOs but any central game server with a very large number of clients, that cares about total bandwidth).

The situation is roughly this : you have a server and many clients (let's say 10k clients per server just to be concrete). Data is mostly sent server->client , not very much is client->server. Let's say 10k bytes per second per channel from server->client, and only 1k bytes per second from client->server. So the total data rate from the server is high (100 MB/s) but the data rate on any one channel is low. The server must send packets more than once per second for latency reasons; let's say 10 times per second, so packets are only 1k on average; server sends 100k packets/second. You don't want the compressor to add any delay by buffering up packets.

I'm going to assume that you're using something like TCP so you have gauranteed packet order and no loss, so that you can use previous packets from any given channel as encoder history on that channel. If you do have an error in a connection you have to reset the encoder.

This is a rather unusual situation for data compression, and the standard LZ77 solutions don't work great. I'm going to talk only about the server->client transmission for now; you might use a completely different algorithm for the other direction. Some properties of this situation :

1. You care more about encode time than decode time. CPU time on the server is one of the primary limiting factors. The client machine has almost no compression work to do, so decode time could be quite slow.

2. Per-call encode time is very important (not just per-byte time). Packets are small and you're doing lots of them (100k packets/sec), so you can't afford long startup/shutdown times for the encoder. This is mostly just an annoyance for coding, it means you have to be really careful about your function setup code and such.

3. Memory use on the server is a bit limited. Say you allow 4 GB for encoder states; that's only 400k per client. (this is assuming that you're doing per-client encoder state, which is certainly not the only choice).

4. Cache misses are much worse than a normal compression encoder scenario. Say you have something like a 256k hash table to accelerate match finding. Normally when you're compressing you get that whole table into L2 so your hash lookups are in cache. In this scenario you're jumping from one state to another all the time, so you must assume that every memory lookup is a cache miss.

5. The standard LZ77 thing of not allowing matches at the beginning or end is rather more of a penalty. In general all those inefficiencies that you normally have on tiny buffers are more important than usual.

6. Because clients can be added at any time and connections can be reset, encoder init/reset time can't be very long. This is another reason aside from memory use that encoder state must be small.

7. The character of the data being sent doesn't really vary much from client to client. This is one way in which this scenario differs from a normal web server type of situation (in which case, different clients might be receiving vastly different types of data). The character of the data can change from packet to packet; there are sort of a few different modes of the data and the stream switches between then, but it's not like one client is usually receiving text and another one is receiving images. They're all generally receiving bit-packed 3d positions and the same type of thing.

And now some rambling about what encoder you might use that suits this scenario :

A. It's not clear that adaptive encoding is a win here. You have to do the comparison with CPU use held constant, if you just compare an encoder running adaptive vs the same encoder with a static model, that's not fair, because the static model can be so much faster you should use a more sophisticated encoder. The static model can also use vastly more memory. Maybe not a whole 4G, but a lot more than 400k.

B. LZ77 is not great here. The reason we love LZ77 is the fast, simple decoder. We don't really care about that here. An LZP or ROLZ variant would be better, that has a slightly slower and more memory-hungry decoder, but a simpler/faster encoder.

C. There are some semi-static options. Perhaps a static match dictionary with something like LZP, and then an adaptive simple context model per channel. That makes the per-channel adaptive part small in memory, but still allows some local adaptation for packets of different character. Another option would be a switching static-model scheme. Do something like train 4 different static models for different packet types, and send 2 bits to pick the model then encode the packet with that static model.

D. Static context mixing is kind of appealing. You can have static hash tables and a static mixing scheme, which eliminates a lot of the slowness of CM. Perhaps the order-0 model is adaptive per channel, and perhaps the secondary-statistics table is adaptive per channel. Hitting 100 MB/s might still be a challenge, but I think it's possible. One nice thing about CM here is that it can have the idea of packets of different character implicit in the model.

E. For static-dictionary LZ, the normal linear offset encoding doesn't really make a lot of sense. Sure, you could try to optimize a dictionary by laying out the data in it such that more common data is at lower offsets, but that seems like a nasty indirect way of getting at the solution. Off the top of my head, it seems like you could use something like an LZFG encoding. That is, make a Suffix Trie and then send match references as node or leaf indexes; leaves all have equal probability, nodes have a child count which is proportional to their probability (relative to siblings).

F. Surely the ideal solution is a blended static/dynamic coder. That is, you have some large trained static model (like a CM or PPM model, or a big static dictionary for LZ77) and then you also run a local adaptive model in a circular window for each channel. Then you compressing using a mix of the two models. There are various options on how to do this. For LZ77 you might send 0-64k offsets in the local adaptive window, and then 64k-4M offsets as indexes into the static dictionary. Or you could more explicitly code a selector bit to pick one of the two and then an offset. For CM it's most natural, you just mix the result of the static model and the local adaptive model.

G. What is not awesome is model preconditioning (and it's what most people do, because it's the only thing available with off-the-shelf compressors like zlib or whatever). Model precondition means taking an adaptive coder and initially loading its model (eg. an LZ dictionary) from some static data; then you encode packets adaptively. This might actually offer excellent compression, but it has bad channel startup time, and high memory use per channel, and it doesn't allow you to use more efficient algorithms that are possible with fully static models (such as different types of data structures that provide fast lookup but not fast update).

I believe if you're doing UDP or some other unreliable packet scheme, then static-model compression is the only way to go (rather than trying to track the different received and transmitted states to use for a dynamic model). Also if clients are very frequently joining and leaving or moving servers, then they will never build up much channel history, so static model is the way to go there as well. If streams vary vastly in size, like if they're usually less than 1k but occasionally you do large 1M+ transfers (like for content serving as opposed to updating game state) you would use a totally different scheme for the large transfers.

I'd like to do some tests. If you work on an MMO or similar game situation and can give me some real-world test data, please be in touch.


05-08-13 - A Lock Free Weak Reference Table

It's very easy (almost trivial (*)) to make the table-based {index/guid} style of weak reference lock free.

(* = obviously not trivial if you're trying to minimize the memory ordering constraints, as evidenced by the revisions to this post that were required; it is trivial if you just make everything seq_cst)

Previous writings on this topic :

Smart & Weak Pointers - valuable tools for games - 03-27-04
cbloom rants 03-22-08 - 6
cbloom rants 07-05-10 - Counterpoint 2
cbloom rants 08-01-11 - A game threading model
cbloom rants 03-05-12 - Oodle Handle Table

The primary ops conceptually are :

Add object to table; gives it a WeakRef id

WeakRef -> OwningRef  (might be null)

OwningRef -> naked pointer

OwningRef construct/destruct = ref count inc/dec

The full code is in here : cbliblf.zip , but you can get a taste for how it works from the ref count maintenance code :

    // IncRef looks up the weak reference; returns null if lost
    //   (this is the only way to resolve a weak reference)
    Referable * IncRef( handle_type h )
        handle_type index = handle_get_index(h);
        LF_OS_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < c_num_slots );
        Slot * s = &s_slots[index];

        handle_type guid = handle_get_guid(h);

        // this is just an atomic inc of state
        //  but checking guid each time to check that we haven't lost this slot
        handle_type state = s->m_state.load(mo_acquire);
            if ( state_get_guid(state) != guid )
                return NULL;
            // assert refcount isn't hitting max
            LF_OS_ASSERT( state_get_refcount(state) < state_max_refcount );
            handle_type incstate = state+1;
            if ( s->m_state.compare_exchange_weak(state,incstate,mo_acq_rel,mo_acquire) )
                // did the ref inc
                return s->m_ptr;
            // state was reloaded, loop

    // IncRefRelaxed can be used when you know a ref is held
    //  so there's no chance of the object being gone
    void IncRefRelaxed( handle_type h )
        handle_type index = handle_get_index(h);
        LF_OS_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < c_num_slots );
        Slot * s = &s_slots[index];
        handle_type state_prev = s->m_state.fetch_add(1,mo_relaxed);
        // make sure we were used correctly :
        LF_OS_ASSERT( handle_get_guid(h) == state_get_guid(state_prev) );
        LF_OS_ASSERT( state_get_refcount(state_prev) >= 0 );
        LF_OS_ASSERT( state_get_refcount(state_prev) < state_max_refcount );

    // DecRef
    void DecRef( handle_type h )
        handle_type index = handle_get_index(h);
        LF_OS_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < c_num_slots );
        Slot * s = &s_slots[index];
        // no need to check guid because I must own a ref
        handle_type state_prev = s->m_state.fetch_add((handle_type)-1,mo_release);
        LF_OS_ASSERT( handle_get_guid(h) == state_get_guid(state_prev) );
        LF_OS_ASSERT( state_get_refcount(state_prev) >= 1 );
        if ( state_get_refcount(state_prev) == 1 )
            // I took refcount to 0
            //  slot is not actually freed yet; someone else could IncRef right now
            //  the slot becomes inaccessible to weak refs when I inc guid :
            // try to inc guid with refcount at 0 :
            handle_type old_guid = handle_get_guid(h);
            handle_type old_state = make_state(old_guid,0); // == state_prev-1
            handle_type new_state = make_state(old_guid+1,0); // == new_state + (1<<handle_guid_shift);
            if ( s->m_state($).compare_exchange_strong(old_state,new_state,mo_acq_rel,mo_relaxed) )
                // I released the slot
                // cmpx provides the acquire barrier for the free :
            // somebody else mucked with me

The maintenance of ref counts only requires relaxed atomic increment & release atomic decrement (except when the pointed-at object is initially made and finally destroyed, then some more work is required). Even just the relaxed atomic incs could get expensive if you did a ton of them, but my philosophy for how to use this kind of system is that you inc & dec refs as rarely as possible. The key thing is that you don't write functions that take owning refs as arguments, like :

void bad_function( OwningRefT<Thingy> sptr )

void Stuff::bad_caller()
    OwningRefT<thingy> sptr( m_weakRef );
    if ( sptr != NULL )

hence doing lots of inc & decs on refs all over the code. Instead you write all your code with naked pointers, and only use the smart pointers where they are needed to ensure ownership for the lifetime of usage. eg. :
void good_function( Thing * ptr )

void Stuff::bad_caller()
    OwningRefT<thingy> sptr( m_weakRef );
    Thingy * ptr = sptr.GetPtr();
    if ( ptr != NULL )

If you like formal rules, they're something like this :

1. All stored variables are either OwningRef or WeakRef , depending on whether it's
an "I own this" or "I see this" relationship.  Never store a naked pointer.

2. All variables in function call args are naked pointers, as are variables on the
stack and temp work variables, when possible.

3. WeakRef to pointer resolution is only provided as WeakRef -> OwningRef.  Naked pointers
are only retrieved from OwningRefs.

And obviously there are lots of enchancements to the system that are possible. A major one that I recommend is to put more information in the reference table state word. If you use a 32-bit weak reference handle, and a 64-bit state word, then you have 32-bits of extra space that you can check for free with the weak reference resolution. You could put some mutex bits in there (or an rwlock) so that the state contains the lock for the object, but I'm not sure that is a big win (the only advantage of having the lock built into the state is that you could atomically get a lock and inc refcount in a single op). A better usage is to put some object information in there that can be retrieved without chasing the pointer and inc'ing the ref and so on.

For example in Oodle I store the status of the object in the state table. (Oodle status is a progression through Invalid->Pending->Done/Error). That way I can take a weak ref and query status in one atomic load. I also store some lock bits, and you aren't allowed to get back naked pointers unless you have a lock on them.

The code for the weak ref table is now in the cbliblf.zip that I made for the last post. Download : cbliblf.zip

( The old cblib has a non-LF weak reference table that's similar for comparison. It's also more developed with helpers and fancier templates and such that could be ported to this version. Download : cblib.zip )

ADDENDUM : alternative DecRef that uses CAS instead of atomic decrement. Removes the two-atomic free path. Platforms that implement atomic add as a CAS loop should probably just use this form. Platforms that have true atomic add should use the previously posted version.

    // DecRef
    void DecRef( handle_type h )
        handle_type index = handle_get_index(h);
        LF_OS_ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < c_num_slots );
        Slot * s = &s_slots[index];
        // no need to check guid because I must own a ref
        handle_type state_prev = s->m_state($).load(mo_relaxed);
        handle_type old_guid  = handle_get_guid(h);

            // I haven't done my dec yet, guid must still match :
            LF_OS_ASSERT( state_get_guid(state_prev) == old_guid );
            // check current refcount :
            handle_type state_prev_rc = state_get_refcount(state_prev);
            LF_OS_ASSERT( state_prev_rc >= 1 );
            if ( state_prev_rc == 1 )
                // I'm taking refcount to 0
                // also inc guid, which releases the slot :
                handle_type new_state = make_state(old_guid+1,0);

                if ( s->m_state($).compare_exchange_weak(state_prev,new_state,mo_acq_rel,mo_relaxed) )
                    // I released the slot
                    // cmpx provides the acquire barrier for the free :
                // this is just a decrement
                // but have to do it as a CAS to ensure state_prev_rc doesn't change on us
                handle_type new_state = state_prev-1;
                LF_OS_ASSERT( new_state == make_state(old_guid,  state_prev_rc-1) );
                if ( s->m_state($).compare_exchange_weak(state_prev,new_state,mo_release,mo_relaxed) )
                    // I dec'ed a ref


05-02-13 - Simple C++0x style LF structs and adapter for x86-Windows

I've seen a lot of lockfree libraries out there that are total crap. Really weird non-standard ways of doing things, or overly huge and complex.

I thought I'd make a super simple one in the correct modern style. Download : cbliblf.zip

(If you want a big fully functional much-more-complete library, Intel TBB is the best I've seen. The problem with TBB is that it's huge and entangled, and the license is not clearly free for all use).

There are two pieces here :

"cblibCpp0x.h" provides atomic and such in C++0x style for MSVC/Windows/x86 compilers that don't have real C++0x yet. I have made zero attempt to make this header syntatically identical to C++0x, there are various intentional and unintentional differences.

"cblibLF.h" provides some simple lockfree utilities (mostly queues) built on C++0x atomics.

"cblibCpp0x.h" is kind of by design not at all portable. "cblibLF.h" should be portable to any C++0x platform.

WARNING : this stuff is not super well tested because it's not what I use in Oodle. I've mostly copy-pasted this from my Relacy test code, so it should be pretty strong but there may have been some copy-paste errors.

ADDENDUM : In case it's not clear, you do not *want* to use "cblibCpp0x.h". You want to use real Cpp0x atomics provided by your compiler. This is a temporary band-aid so that people like me who use old compilers can get a cpp0x stand-in, so that they can do work using the modern syntax. If you're on a gcc platform that has the __atomic extensions but not C1X, use that.

You should be able to take any of the C++0x-style lockfree code I've posted over the years and use it with "cblibCpp0x.h" , perhaps with some minor syntactic fixes. eg. you could take the fastsemaphore wrapper and put the "semaphore" from "cblibCpp0x.h" in there as the base semaphore.

Here's an example of what the objects in "cblibLF.h" look like :

// spsc fifo
//  lock free for single producer, single consumer
//  requires an allocator
//  and a dummy node so the fifo is never empty
template <typename t_data>
struct lf_spsc_fifo_t

        // initialize with one dummy node :
        node * dummy = new node;
        m_head = dummy;
        m_tail = dummy;

        // should be one node left :
        LF_OS_ASSERT( m_head == m_tail );
        delete m_head;

    void push(const t_data & data)
        node * n = new node(data);
        // n->next == NULL from constructor
        m_head->next.store(n, memory_order_release); 
        m_head = n;

    // returns true if a node was popped
    //  fills *pdata only if the return value is true
    bool pop(t_data * pdata)
        // we're going to take the data from m_tail->next
        //  and free m_tail
        node* t = m_tail;
        node* n = t->next.load(memory_order_acquire);
        if ( n == NULL )
            return false;
        *pdata = n->data; // could be a swap
        m_tail = n;
        delete t;
        return true;


    struct node
        atomic<node *>      next;
        nonatomic<t_data>   data;
        node() : next(NULL) { }
        node(const t_data & d) : next(NULL), data(d) { }

    // head and tail are owned by separate threads,
    //  make sure there's no false sharing :
    nonatomic<node *>   m_head;
    char                m_pad[LF_OS_CACHE_LINE_SIZE];
    nonatomic<node *>   m_tail;

Download : cbliblf.zip


04-30-13 - Packing Values in Bits - Flat Codes

One of the very simplest forms of packing values in bits is simply to store a value with non-power-of-2 range and all values of equal probability.

You have a value that's in [0,N). Ideally all code lengths would be the same ( log2(N) ) which is fractional for N not a power of 2. With just bit output, we can't write fractional bits, so we will lose some efficiency. But how much exactly?

You can of course trivially write a symbol in [0,N) by using log2ceil(N) bits. That's just going up to the next integer bit count. But you're wasting values in there, so you can take each wasted value and use it to reduce the length of a code that you need. eg. for N = 5 , start with log2ceil(N) bits :

0 : 000
1 : 001
2 : 010
3 : 011
4 : 100
x : 101
x : 110
x : 111
The first five codes are used for our values, and the last three are wasted. Rearrange to interleave the wasted codewords :
0 : 000
x : 001
1 : 010
x : 011
2 : 100
x : 101
3 : 110
4 : 111
now since we have adjacent codes where one is used and one is not used, we can reduce the length of those codes and still have a prefix code. That is, if we see the two bits "00" we know that it must always be a value of 0, because "001" is wasted. So simply don't send the third bit in that case :
0 : 00
1 : 01
2 : 10
3 : 110
4 : 111

(this is a general way of constructing shorter prefix codes when you have wasted values). You can see that the number of wasted values we had at the top is the number of codes that can be shortened by one bit.

A flat code is written thusly :

void OutputFlat(int sym, int N)
    ASSERT( N >= 2 && sym >= 0 && sym < N );

    int B = intlog2ceil(N);
    int T = (1<<B) - N;
    // T is the number of "wasted values"
    if ( sym < T )
        // write in B-1 bits
        PutBits(sym, B-1);
        // write in B bits
        // push value up by T
        PutBits(sym+T, B);

int InputFlat(int sym,int N)
    ASSERT( N >= 2 && sym >= 0 && sym < N );

    int B = intlog2ceil(N);
    int T = (1<<B) - N;

    int sym = GetBits(B-1);
    if ( sym < T )
        return sym;
        // need one more bit :
        int ret = (sym<<1) - T + GetBits(1);        
        return ret;

That is, we write (T) values in (B-1) bits, and (N-T) in (B) bits. The intlog2ceil can be slow, so in practice you would want to precompute that or pass it in as a parameter.

So, what is the loss vs. ideal, and where does it occur? Let's work it out :

H = log2(N)  is the ideal (fractional) entropy

N is in (2^(B-1),2^B]
so H is in (B-1,B]

The number of bits written by the flat code is :

L = ( T * (B-1) + (N-T) * B ) / N

with T = 2^B - N

Let's set

N = f * 2^B

with f in (0.5,1] our fractional position in the range.

so T = 2^B * (1 - f)

At f = 0.5 and 1.0 there's no loss, so there must be a maximum in that interval.

Doing some simplifying :

L = (T * (B-1) + (N-T) * B)/N
L = (T * B - T + N*B - T * B)/N
L = ( N*B - T)/N = B - T/N
T/N = (1-f)/f = (1/f) - 1
L = B - (1/f) + 1

The excess bits is :

E = L - H

H = log2(N) = log2( f * 2^B ) = B + log2(f)

E = (B - (1/f) + 1) - (B + log2(f))
E = 1 - (1/f) - log2(f)

so find the maximum of E by taking a derivative :

d/df(E) = 0
d/df(E) = 1/f^2 - (1/f)/ln2
1/f^2 = (1/f)/ln2
1/f = 1/ln(2)
f = ln(2)
f = 0.6931472...

and at that spot the excess is :

E = 1 - (1/ln2) - ln(ln2)/ln2
E = 0.08607133...

The worst case is 8.6% of a bit per symbol excess. The worst case appears periodically, once for each power of two.

The actual excess bits output for some low N's :

The worst case actually occurs as N->large, because at higher N you can get f closer to that worst case fraction (ln(2)). At lower N, the integer steps mean you miss the worst case and so waste less. This is perhaps a bit surprising, you might think that the worst case would be at something like N = 3.

In fact for N = 3 :

H = l2(3) = 1.584962 ...

L = average length written by OutputFlat

L = (1+2+2)/3 = 1.66666...

E = L - H = 0.08170421...

(obviously if you measure the loss as a percentage of the output length, the worst case is at N=3, and there it's 5.155% of the entropy).


04-21-13 - How to grow Linux disk under VMWare

There's a lot of these guides around the net, but I found them all a bit confusing to follow, so my experience :
  • 1. Power off the VM.

  • 2. Make a backup of the whole VM in case something goes wrong. Just find the dir containing it and copy the whole thing.

  • 3. VMWare Settings -> Hardware -> Hard Disk -> Utilities -> Expand change to whatever size you want.

  • 4. This has just expanded the virtual disk, now you must grow the partition on the disk. Linux does not have good tools to grow a partition that is running the OS, so don't boot your VM back into Linux.

    (there is some LVM stuff that lets you make multiple partitions and then treat them as a single one, but for a Unix newb like myself that looks too scary).

  • 5. Download GParted ISO. VMWare Settings -> Hardware -> CD/DVD -> Use ISO -> point it at GParted.

    Also make sure "Connect at Power On" is checked.

  • 6. Now you have to get the virtual machine to boot from CD. Getting into the BIOS interactively was impossible for me. Fortunately VMWare has a solution. Find your VM files and edit the .vmx config file. Add this line :
    bios.forceSetupOnce = "TRUE"

  • 7. Power on the VM and you should enter the BIOS. Go to "Boot" and put the CD first. Save and Exit and you should now boot into GParted.

  • 8. Using GParted is pretty self explanatory. It's a good tool. When you're done, shut down and Power Off the VM.

    My VM was set up with a swap partitition, so I had to move that to the end before I could grow the primary partition. I hear that you can set up Linux with a swap file instead of a swap partition; that would be preferable. A swap partition makes zero sense in a VM where the disks are virtualized anyway (so the advantage of keeping the swap thrashing off your main disk doesn't exist). Not something I want to change though.

  • 9. VMWare Settings -> Hardware -> CD/DVD -> turn off "Connect at Power On"
It seems to me it's a good idea to leave it this way - BIOS is set to boot first from CD, but the VM is set with no CD hardware enabled. This makes it easy to change the ISO and just check that box any time you want to boot from an ISO, rather than having to go into that BIOS nightmare again.

More generally, what have I learned about multi-platform development from working at RAD ?

That it's horrible, really horrible, and I pray that I never have to do it again in my life. Ugh.

Just writing cross-platform code is not the issue (though that's horrible enough, solely due to stupid non-fundamental issues like the fact that struct packing isn't standardized, adding signed ints isn't standardized, restrict/noalias isn't standardized, inline linkage varies greatly, etc. urg wtf etc etc). If you're just releasing some code on the net and offering it for many platforms (leaving it up to the downloaders to actually build it and test it), your life is easy. The horrible part is if you actually have to maintain machines and build systems for all those platforms, test them, be able to debug on them, keep all the sdk's up to date, etc. etc.

(in general coding is easy when you don't actually test your code and make sure it works well, which a surprising number of people think is "done"; hey it compiles, I'm done! umm, no...)

(I guess that's a more general life thing; I observe a lot of people who just do things and don't actually measure whether the "doing" was successful or done well, but they just move on and are generally happy. People who stress over whether what they're doing is actually a good job or not are massively less happy but also actually do good work.)

I feel like I spend 90% of my time on stupid fucking non-algorithmic issues like this Linux partition resizing shit (probably more like 20%, but that's still frustratingly high). The regression tests are failing on Linux, okay have to figure out why, oh it's because the VM disk is too small, okay how do I fix that; or the PS4 compiler has a bug I have to work around, or the system software on this system has a bug, or the Mac clang wants to spew pointless warnings about anonymous namespaces, or my tests aren't working on Xenon .. spend some time digging .. oh the console is just turned off, or the IP changed or it got reflashed and my SDK doesn't work anymore, and blah blah fucking blah. God dammit I just want to be able to write algorithms. I miss coding, I miss thinking about hard problems. Le sigh.

I've written before about how in my imagination I could hire some kid for $50k to do all this shit work for me and it would be a huge win for me overall. But I'm afraid it's not that easy in reality.

What really should exist is a "coder cloud" service. There should be a bunch of VMs of different OS'es with various compilers and SDKs installed, so I can just say "build my shit for X with Y". Of course you need to be able to run tests on that system as well, and if something goes wrong you need remote desktop for interactive debugging. It's got to have every platform, including things like game consoles where you need license agreements, which is probably a no-go in reality because corporations are jerks. There's got to be superb customer service, because if I can't rely on it for builds at every moment of every day then it's a no-go. Unfortunately, programmers are almost uniformly overly optimistic about this kind of thing (in that they massively overestimate their own ability to manage these things quickly) so wouldn't want to pay what it costs to run that service.


04-10-13 - Waitset Resignal Notes

I've been redoing my low level waitset and want to make some notes. Some previous discussion of the same issues here :

cbloom rants 11-28-11 - Some lock-free rambling
cbloom rants 11-30-11 - Some more Waitset notes
cbloom rants 12-08-11 - Some Semaphores

In particular, two big things occurred to me :

1. I talked before about the "passing on the signal" issue. See the above posts for more in depth details, but in brief the issue is if you are trying to do NotifyOne (instead of NotifyAll), and you have a double-check waitset like this :

waiter = waitset.prepare_wait(condition);

if ( double check )
    // possibly loop and re-check condition


then if you get a signal between prepare_wait and cancel, you didn't need that signal, so a wakeup of another thread that did need that signal can be missed.

Now, I talked about this before as an "ugly hack", but over time thinking about it, it doesn't seem so bad. In particular, if you put the resignal inside the cancel() , so that the client code looks just like the above, it doesn't need to know about the fact that the resignal mechanism is happening at all.

So, the new concept is that cancel atomically removes the waiter from the waitset and sees if it got a signal that it didn't consume. If so, it just passes on that signal. The fact that this is okay and not a hack came to me when I thought about under what conditions this actually happens. If you recall from the earlier posts, the need for resignal comes from situations like :

T0 posts sem , and signals no one
T1 posts sem , and signals T3
T2 tries to dec count and sees none, goes into wait()
T3 tries to dec count and gets one, goes into cancel(), but also got the signal - must resignal T2

the thing is this can only happen if all the threads are awake and racing against each other (it requires a very specific interleaving); that is, the T3 in particular that decs count and does the resignal had to be awake anyway (because its first check saw no count, but its double check did dec count, so it must have raced with the sem post). It's not like you wake up a thread you shouldn't have and then pass it on. The thread wakeup scheme is just changed from :
T0 sem.post --wakes--> T2 sem.wait
T1 sem.post --wakes--> T3 sem.wait

to :

T0 sem.post
T1 sem.post --wakes--> T3 sem.wait --wakes--> T2 sem.wait

that is, one of the consumer threads wakes its peer. This is a tiny performance loss, but it's a pretty rare race, so really not a bad thing.

The whole "double check" pathway in waitset only happens in a race case. It occurs when one thread sets the condition you want right at the same time that you check it, so your first check fails and after you prepare_wait, your second check passes. The resignal only occurs if you are in that race path, and also the setting thread sent you a signal between your prepare_wait and cancel, *and* there's another thread waiting on that same signal that should have gotten it. Basically this case is quite rare, we don't care too much about it being fast or elegant (as long as it's not disastrously slow), we just need behavior to be correct when it does happen - and the "pass on the signal" mechanism gives you that.

The advantage of being able to do just a NotifyOne instead of a NotifyAll is so huge that it's worth adopting this as standard practice in waitset.

2. It then occurred to me that the waitset PrepareWait and Cancel could be made lock-free pretty trivially.

Conceptually, they are made lock free by turning them into messages. "Notify" is now the receiver of messages and the scheme is now :

waiter w;
waitset : send message { prepare_wait , &w, condition };

if ( double check )
    waitset : send message { cancel , &w };



waitset Notify(condition) :
first consume all messages
do prepare_wait and cancel actions
then do the normal notify
eg. see if there are any waiters that want to know about "condition"

The result is that the entire wait-side operation is lock free. The notify-side still uses a lock to ensure the consistency of the wait list.

This greatly reduces contention in the most common usage patterns :

Mutex :

only the mutex owner does Notify
 - so contention of the waitset lock is non-existant
many threads may try to lock a mutex
 - they do not have any waitset-lock contention

Semaphore :

the common case of one producer and many consumers (lots of threads do wait() )
 - zero contention of the waitset lock

the less common case of many producers and few consumers is slow

Another way to look at it is instead of doing little bits of waitlist maintenance in three different places (prepare_wait,notify,cancel) which each have to take a lock on the list, all the maintenance is moved to one spot.

Now there are some subtleties.

If you used a fresh "waiter" every time, things would be simple. But for efficiency you don't want to do that. In fact I use one unique waiter per thread. There's only one OS waitable handle needed per thread and you can use that to implement every threading primitive. But now you have to be able to recycle the waiter. Note that you don't have to worry about other threads using your waiter; the waiter is per-thread so you just have to worry about when you come around and use it again yourself.

If you didn't try to do the lock-free wait-side, recycling would be easy. But with the lock-free wait side there are some issues.

First is that when you do a prepare-then-cancel , your cancel might not actually be done for a long time (it was just a request). So if you come back around on the same thread and call prepare() again, prepare has to check if that earlier cancel has been processed or not. If it has not, then you just have to force the Notify-side list maintenance to be done immediately.

The second related issue is that the lock-free wait-side can give you spurious signals to your waiter. Normally prepare_wait could clear the OS handle, so that when you wait on it you know that you got the signal you wanted. But because prepare_wait is just a message and doesn't take the lock on the waitlist, you might actually still be in the waitlist from the previous time you used your waiter. Thus you can get a signal that you didn't want. There are a few solutions to this; one is to allow spurious signals (I don't love that); another is to detect that the signal is spurious and wait again (I do this). Another is to always just grab the waitlist lock (and do nothing) in either cancel or prepare_wait.

Ok, so we now have a clean waitset that can do NotifyOne and gaurantee no spurious signals. Let's use it.

You may recall we've looked at a simple waitset-based mutex before :

U32 thinlock;

Lock :
    // first check :
    while( Exchange(&thinlock,1) != 0 )
        waiter w; // get from TLS
        waitset.PrepareWait( &w, &thinlock );

        // double check and put in waiter flag :
        if ( Exchange(&thinlock,2) == 0 )
            // got it


Unlock :
    if ( Exchange(&thinlock,0) == 2 )
        waitset.NotifyAll( &thinlock );
This mutex is non-recursive, and of course you should spin doing some TryLocks before going into the wait loop for efficiency.

This was an okay way to build a mutex on waitset when all you had was NotifyAll. It only does the notify if there are waiters, but the big problem with it is if you have multiple waiters, it wakes them all and then they all run in to try to grab the mutex, and all but one fail and go back to sleep. This is a common type of unnecessary-wakeup thread-thrashing pattern that sucks really bad.

(any time you write threading code where the wakeup means "hey wakeup and see if you can grab an atomic" (as opposed to "wakeup you got it"), you should be concerned (particularly when the wake is a broadcast))

Now that we have NotifyOne we can fix that mutex :

U32 thinlock;

Lock :
    // first check :
    while( Exchange(&thinlock,2) != 0 ) // (*1)
        waiter w; // get from TLS
        waitset.PrepareWait( &w, &thinlock );

        // double check and put in waiter flag :
        if ( Exchange(&thinlock,2) == 0 )
            // got it
            w.Cancel(waitset_resignal_no); // (*2)


Unlock :
    if ( Exchange(&thinlock,0) == 2 ) // (*3)
        waitset.NotifyOne( &thinlock );
We changed the NotifyAll to NotifyOne , but two funny bits are worth noting : (*1) - we must now immediately exchange in the waiter-flag here; in the NotifyAll case it worked to put a 1 in there for funny reasons (see cbloom rants 07-15-11 - Review of many Mutex implementations , where this type of mutex is discussed as "Three-state mutex using Event" ), but it doesn't work with the NotifyOne. (*2) - with a mutex you do not need to pass on the signal when you stole it and cancelled. The reason is just that there can't possibly be any more mutex for another thread to consume. A mutex is a lot like a semaphore with a maximum count of 1 (actually it's exactly like it for non-recursive mutexes); you only need to pass on the signal when it's possible that some other thread needs to know about it. (*3) - you might think the check for == 2 here is dumb because we always put in a 2, but there's code you're not seeing. TryLock should still put in a 1, so in the uncontended cases the thinlock will have a value of 1 and no Notify is done. The thinlock only goes to a 2 if there is some contention, and then the value stays at 2 until the last unlock of that contended sequence.

Okay, so that works, but it's kind of silly. With the mechanism we have now we can do a much neater mutex :

U32 thinlock; // = 0 initializes thinlock

Lock :
    waiter w; // get from TLS
    waitset.PrepareWait( &w, &thinlock );

    if ( Fetch_Add(&thinlock,1) == 0 )
        // got the lock (no need to resignal)

    // woke up - I have the lock !

Unlock :
    if ( Fetch_Add(&thinlock,-1) > 1 )
        // there were waiters
        waitset.NotifyOne( &thinlock );
The mutex is just a wait-count now. (as usual you should TryLock a few times before jumping in to the PrepareWait). This mutex is more elegant; it also has a small performance advantage in that it only calls NotifyOne when it really needs to; because its gate is also a wait-count it knows if it needs to Notify or not. The previous Mutex posted will always Notify on the last unlock whether or not it needs to (eg. it will always do one Notify too many).

This last mutex is also really just a semaphore. We can see it by writing a semaphore with our waitset :

U32 thinsem; // = 0 initializes thinsem

Wait :
    waiter w; // get from TLS
    waitset.PrepareWait( &w, &thinsem );

    if ( Fetch_Add(&thinsem,-1) > 0 )
        // got a dec on count
        w.Cancel(waitset_resignal_yes); // (*1)

    // woke up - I got the sem !

Post :
    if ( Fetch_add(&thinsem,1) < 0 )
        waitset.NotifyOne( &thinsem );

which is obviously the same. The only subtle change is at (*1) - with a semaphore we must do the resignal, because there may have been several posts to the sem (contrast with mutex where there can only be one Unlock at a time; and the mutex itself serializes the unlocks).

Oh, one very subtle issue that I only discovered due to relacy :

waitset.Notify requires a #StoreLoad between the condition check and the notify call. That is, the standard pattern for any kind of "Publish" is something like :

    change shared variable
    if ( any waiters )

Now, in most cases, such as the Sem and Mutex posted above, the Publish uses an atomic RMW op. If that is the case, then you don't need to add any more barriers - the RMW synchronizes for you. But if you do some kind of more weakly ordered primitive, then you must force a barrier there.

This is the exact same issue that I've run into before and forgot about again :

cbloom rants 07-31-11 - An example that needs seq_cst -
cbloom rants 08-09-11 - Threading Links (see threads on eventcount)
cbloom rants 06-01-12 - On C++ Atomic Fences Part 3

old rants