The biggest change is that the Network and Data portions are now in two different SDKs. You may now use either one on its own, or both together. If you are a licensee of both Data and Network, you will get two SDKs. The two SDKS can be installed to the same place, and shared files may overwrite.
The compressed data bitstreams (for both Network & Data) are not changed from 2.6 to 2.7 ; I've bumped the major version just because of the large API change of splitting the libs.
We've also made some optimizations in the LZ decoders; Mermaid, Kraken & Leviathan are all a wee bit faster to decode.
Perf comparison to previous versions :
Oodle 2.7.0 , Kraken 8 : PD3D : 4.02:1 , 1.0 enc MB/s , 1128.5 dec MB/s GTS : 2.68:1 , 1.0 enc MB/s , 1324.1 dec MB/s Silesia : 4.25:1 , 0.6 enc MB/s , 1062.2 dec MB/s ============================ PD3D : Kraken8 255 : 3.67:1 , 2.8 enc MB/s , 1091.5 dec MB/s Kraken8 260 -v5: 3.72:1 , 1.2 enc MB/s , 1079.9 dec MB/s Kraken8 260 : 4.00:1 , 1.0 enc MB/s , 1034.7 dec MB/s GTS : Kraken8 255 : 2.60:1 , 2.5 enc MB/s , 1335.8 dec MB/s Kraken8 260 -v5: 2.63:1 , 1.2 enc MB/s , 1343.8 dec MB/s Kraken8 260 : 2.67:1 , 1.0 enc MB/s , 1282.3 dec MB/s Silesia : Kraken8 255 : 4.12:1 , 1.4 enc MB/s , 982.0 dec MB/s Kraken8 260 -v5: 4.18:1 , 0.6 enc MB/s , 1018.7 dec MB/s Kraken8 260 : 4.24:1 , 0.6 enc MB/s , 985.4 dec MB/s