
Oodle 2.1.2

Oodle 2.1.2 is out. Oodle - now with more BitKnit!

Oodle 2.1.2 example_lz_chart [file] [repeats]
got arg : input=r:\testsets\big\lzt99
got arg : num_repeats=5
lz test loading: r:\testsets\big\lzt99
uncompressed size : 24700820
chart cell contains : raw/comp ratio : encode mb/s : decode mb/s
LZB16: LZ-bytewise: super fast to encode & decode, least compression
LZNIB: LZ-nibbled : still fast, but more compression; between LZB & LZH
LZHLW: LZ-Huffman : like zip/zlib, but much more compression & faster
LZNA : LZ-nib-ANS : very high compression with faster decodes than LZMA
All compressors can be run at different encoder effort levels
       |   VeryFast  |   Fast      |   Normal    |   Optimal1  |
LZB16  |1.51:517:2988|1.57:236:2971|1.62:109:2964|1.65: 37:3003|
LZBLW  |1.64:249:2732|1.74: 80:2682|1.77: 24:2679|1.85:1.6:2708|
LZNIB  |1.80:264:1627|1.92: 70:1557|1.94: 23:1504|2.04: 12:1401|
LZHLW  |2.16: 67: 424|2.30: 20: 447|2.33:7.2: 445|2.35:5.4: 445|
BitKnit|2.43: 28: 243|2.47: 20: 245|2.50: 13: 249|2.54:6.4: 249|
LZNA   |2.36: 24: 115|2.54: 18: 119|2.58: 13: 120|2.69:4.9: 120|
compression ratio:
       |   VeryFast  |   Fast      |   Normal    |   Optimal1  |
LZB16  |    1.510    |    1.569    |    1.615    |    1.654    |
LZBLW  |    1.636    |    1.739    |    1.775    |    1.850    |
LZNIB  |    1.802    |    1.921    |    1.941    |    2.044    |
LZHLW  |    2.161    |    2.299    |    2.330    |    2.355    |
BitKnit|    2.431    |    2.471    |    2.499    |    2.536    |
LZNA   |    2.363    |    2.542    |    2.584    |    2.686    |
encode speed (mb/s):
       |   VeryFast  |   Fast      |   Normal    |   Optimal1  |
LZB16  |    517.317  |    236.094  |    108.555  |     36.578  |
LZBLW  |    248.537  |     80.299  |     23.663  |      1.610  |
LZNIB  |    263.950  |     69.930  |     22.617  |     11.735  |
LZHLW  |     67.154  |     20.019  |      7.200  |      5.425  |
BitKnit|     28.203  |     20.223  |     12.672  |      6.371  |
LZNA   |     24.192  |     18.423  |     12.883  |      4.907  |
decode speed (mb/s):
       |   VeryFast  |   Fast      |   Normal    |   Optimal1  |
LZB16  |   2988.429  |   2971.339  |   2963.616  |   3003.187  |
LZBLW  |   2731.951  |   2681.796  |   2678.558  |   2707.534  |
LZNIB  |   1626.806  |   1557.309  |   1504.097  |   1400.654  |
LZHLW  |    423.936  |    446.990  |    444.832  |    445.040  |
BitKnit|    242.916  |    245.409  |    248.812  |    248.972  |
LZNA   |    114.791  |    119.369  |    119.994  |    120.362  |

Another test :

Oodle 2.1.2 example_lz_chart [file] [repeats]
got arg : input=r:\game_testset_m0.7z
got arg : num_repeats=5
lz test loading: r:\game_testset_m0.7z
uncompressed size : 79290970
chart cell contains : raw/comp ratio : encode mb/s : decode mb/s
LZB16: LZ-bytewise: super fast to encode & decode, least compression
LZNIB: LZ-nibbled : still fast, but more compression; between LZB & LZH
LZHLW: LZ-Huffman : like zip/zlib, but much more compression & faster
LZNA : LZ-nib-ANS : very high compression with faster decodes than LZMA
All compressors can be run at different encoder effort levels
       |   VeryFast  |   Fast      |   Normal    |   Optimal1  |   Optimal2  |
LZB16  |1.4:1039:4304|1.41:438:4176|1.42:184:4202|1.44: 52:4293|1.44:4.5:4407|
LZBLW  |1.51:380:3855|1.55:124:3778|1.56: 26:3774|1.62:1.0:3862|1.62:1.0:3862|
LZNIB  |1.56:346:2406|1.59: 84:2398|1.62: 24:2054|1.67: 15:2048|1.67: 10:2053|
LZHLW  |1.67: 85: 647|1.74: 25: 679|1.75:6.5: 635|1.77:3.3: 613|1.79:1.5: 618|
BitKnit|1.83: 24: 395|1.90: 18: 409|1.90: 12: 408|1.91:7.1: 402|1.91:6.5: 401|
LZNA   |1.78: 22: 171|1.84: 18: 178|1.88: 12: 185|1.93:5.6: 167|1.93:1.5: 167|
compression ratio:
       |   VeryFast  |   Fast      |   Normal    |   Optimal1  |   Optimal2  |
LZB16  |    1.390    |    1.408    |    1.424    |    1.436    |    1.442    |
LZBLW  |    1.509    |    1.548    |    1.558    |    1.615    |    1.615    |
LZNIB  |    1.557    |    1.593    |    1.622    |    1.669    |    1.668    |
LZHLW  |    1.669    |    1.745    |    1.754    |    1.767    |    1.790    |
BitKnit|    1.825    |    1.897    |    1.905    |    1.913    |    1.915    |
LZNA   |    1.781    |    1.838    |    1.878    |    1.927    |    1.932    |
encode speed (mb/s):
       |   VeryFast  |   Fast      |   Normal    |   Optimal1  |   Optimal2  |
LZB16  |   1038.910  |    437.928  |    184.457  |     52.008  |      4.465  |
LZBLW  |    380.030  |    123.621  |     26.028  |      0.973  |      0.973  |
LZNIB  |    345.905  |     83.577  |     24.299  |     14.544  |     10.444  |
LZHLW  |     84.519  |     25.218  |      6.542  |      3.256  |      1.547  |
BitKnit|     24.116  |     17.944  |     12.476  |      7.052  |      6.464  |
LZNA   |     21.859  |     18.034  |     11.767  |      5.602  |      1.465  |
decode speed (mb/s):
       |   VeryFast  |   Fast      |   Normal    |   Optimal1  |   Optimal2  |
LZB16  |   4304.144  |   4175.854  |   4202.491  |   4292.925  |   4406.853  |
LZBLW  |   3855.255  |   3777.826  |   3774.093  |   3861.922  |   3861.582  |
LZNIB  |   2406.379  |   2397.753  |   2054.429  |   2048.329  |   2053.340  |
LZHLW  |    646.796  |    679.173  |    635.035  |    613.051  |    617.994  |
BitKnit|    394.599  |    408.539  |    408.044  |    402.239  |    401.352  |
LZNA   |    171.111  |    177.565  |    184.677  |    167.439  |    166.904  |

vs LZMA :
ratio: 1.901
enc  : 2.70 mb/s
dec  : 30.27 mb/s

On this file, BitKnit is 13X faster to decode than LZMA, and gets more compression. (or at "Normal" level, the ratio is similar and BitKnit is 4.6X faster to encode).

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