
1-31-14 - Understanding ANS - 2

So last time I wrote about how a string of output symbols like "012" describes an ANS state machine.

That particular string has all the values occuring the same number of times in as close to the same slot as possible. So they are encoded in nearly the same code length.

But what if they weren't all the same? eg. what if the decode string was "0102" ?

Then to decode, we could take (state % 4) and look it up in that array. For two values we would output a 0.

Alternatively we could say -

if the bottom bit is 0, we output a 0

if the bottom bit is 1, we need another bit to tell if we should output a 1 or 2

So the interesting thing is now to encode a 0, we don't need to do state *= 4. Our encode can be :
void encode(int & state, int val)
    ASSERT( val >= 0 && val < 3 );
    if ( val == 0 )
        state = state*2;
        state = state*4 + (val-1)*2 + 1;

When you encode a 0, the state grows less. In the end, state must be transmitted using log2(state) bits, so when state grows less you send a value in fewer bits.

Note that when you decode you are doing (state %4), but to encode you only did state *= 2. That means when you decode you will see some bits from previously encoded symbols in your state. That's okay because those different values for state all correspond to the output. This is why when a symbol occurs more often in the output descriptor string it can be sent in fewer bits.

Now, astute readers may have noticed that this is a Huffman code. In fact Huffman codes are a subset of ANS, so let's explore that subset.

Say we have some Huffman codes, specified by code[sym] and codelen[sym]. The codes are prefix codes in the normal top-bit first sense. Then we can encode them thusly :

void encode(int & state, int val)
    state <<= codelen[sym];
    state |= reversebits( code[sym] ,  codelen[sym] );

where reversebits reverses the bits so that it is a prefix code from the bottom bit. Then you can decode either by reading bits one by one to get the prefix code, or with a table lookup :
int decode(int & state)
    int bottom = state & ((1<<maxcodelen)-1);
    int val = decodetable[bottom];
    state >>= codelen[val];
    return val;

where decodetable[] is the normal huffman fast decode table lookup, but it looks up codes that have been reversed.

So, what does this decodetable[] look like? Well, consider the example we did above. That corresponds to a Huffman code like this :

normal top-bit prefix :

0: 0
1: 10
2: 11

reversed :

0:  0
1: 01
2: 11

so the maxcodelen is 2. We enumerate all the 2-bit numbers and how they decode :
00 : 0
01 : 1
10 : 0
11 : 2

decodetable[] = { 0,1,0,2 }

So decodetable[] is the output state string that we talked about before.

Huffman codes create one restricted set of ANS codes with integer bit length encodings of every symbol. But this same kind of system can be used with more general code lens, as we'll see later.


1-30-14 - Understanding ANS - 1

I'm trying to really understand Jarek Duda's ANS (Asymmetric Numeral System). I'm going to write a bit as I figure things out. I'll probably make some mistakes.

For reference, my links :

RealTime Data Compression Finite State Entropy - A new breed of entropy coder
Asymmetric Numeral System - Polar
arxiv [1311.2540] Asymmetric numeral systems entropy coding combining speed of Huffman coding with compression rate of arithmetic
encode.ru - Asymetric Numeral System
encode.ru - FSE
Large text benchmark - fpaqa ans
New entropy coding faster than Huffman, compression rate like arithmetic - Google Groups

I actually found Polar's page & code the easiest to follow, but it's also the least precise and the least optimized. Yann Collet's fse.c is very good but contains various optimizations that make it hard to jump into and understand exactly where those things came from. Yann's blog has some good exposition as well.

So let's back way up.

ANS adds a sequence of values into a single integer "state".

The most similar thing that we're surely all familiar with is the way that we pack integers together for IO or network transmission. eg. when you have a value that can be in [0,2) and one in [0,6) and one in [0,11) you have a range of 3*7*12 = 252 so you can fit those all in one byte, and you use packing like :

// encode : put val into state
void encode(int & state, int val, int mod)
    ASSERT( val >= 0 && val < mod );
    state = state*mod + val;

// decode : remove a value from state and return it
int decode(int & state, int mod )
    int val = state % mod;
    state /= mod;
    return val;

Obviously at this point we're just packing integers, there's no entropy coding, we can't do unequal probabilities. The key thing that we will keep using in ANS is in the decode - the current "state" has a whole sequence of values in it, but we can extract our current value by doing a mod at the bottom.

That is, say "mod" = 3, then this decode function can be written as a transition table :

state   next_state  val
0       0           0
1       0           1
2       0           2
3       1           0
4       1           1
5       1           2
6       2           0

In the terminology of ANS we can describe this as "0120120120..." or just "012" and the repeating is implied. That is, the bottom bits of "state" tell us the current symbol by looking up in that string, and then those bottom bits are removed and we can decode more symbols.

Note that encode/decode is LIFO. The integer "state" is a stack - we're pushing values into the bottom and popping them from the bottom.

This simple encode/decode is also not streaming. That is, to put an unbounded number of values into state we would need an infinite length integer. We'll get back to this some day.

old rants